A few years ago, at my house, we wondered if Santa would be willing to wrap our gifts in cloth gift bags. Given that warming polar ice caps threaten to send our jolly friend hunting for a new zip code, we thought he might be open to the idea of saving a few trees. Plus we had plenty of LivingEthos gift bags available for him to use. The only problem was one of logistics. How could we get our bags up to the elves in the North Pole so that they could wrap our gifts in cloth?
And then a customer shared a brilliant idea. On Christmas Eve the year before, she and her kids had left a stack of LivingEthos bags next to the cookies and milk, along with a note requesting that Santa wrap their gifts in cloth bags instead of wrapping paper. The kids felt proud to explain the reasons behind their request and hoped that Santa would be on board.
The next morning the whole family was delighted to find that Santa was indeed on board. He had wrapped all of their gifts in cloth bags, right there in the living room. And not just that, but he thanked them for their effort to save trees and keep his icy home from melting into oblivion. The children took pride in initiating a new family tradition and everyone was delighted to know that Santa shared their concern for the earth.
We loved this idea and so immediately started a similar tradition at our house. What about you? Does Santa use and reuse your LivingEthos bags? We would love to hear how you do it at your house!